star fire

from “Earth-Shaped Hearts” song cycle; collaboration with Juliana Kay

2024 APRA AMCOS Art Music Awards Finalist for Choral Work of the Year

Supported by the ABC Classic 2022 Composer Commissioning Fund


treble chamber choir, and multi-percussion (guiro, woodblock/log drum, suspended cymbal, tom-tom/bass drum, candle, matches and water)

World Premiere: November 11 2023 at Alta Collective’s concert ‘when the earth stands still’

Program notes:

"Earth-Shaped Hearts" draws a thread from the minutiae of everyday life to the incomprehensibly vast geological timescales of our planet. The texts are drawn from several works (including ‘star fires’) by acclaimed Tasmanian poet Kristen Lang, whose words remind us how to be human on an ancient planet.